Ring Connection – function of BXB Conference System

【Writer/ Henry Hsiang】

Five signed up BXB products in 2015 all win Taiwan Excellence Award, and BXB also win the prize 3 years in a row. Speaking of the awards, four of them are main control unit and chairman/ delegate unit of FCS Conference System. The latest conference system newly includes many creative ideas and put several functions together, such as AGC (Automatic Gain Control), TCP/IP protocol, and mobile APP control, and so on. It integrates IoT and Cloud Technology into management of conference system. When it comes to wiring, BXB also puts a lot of effort in it to realize more flexible solutions catering for customers’ needs. Following are the illustrations of wiring methods’ strengths and weaknesses.

Numerous companies’ connection structure for conference system is the application of loop-through. That is to say, it connects the first microphone to the last one according to different distribution of circuits, and it is also the simplest and the most economical way. However, seeing the upper row microphones of the photo below, once the cable connecting the first and second microphone is broken or the second microphone is out of order, this circuit won’t work. It is the drawback for loop-through, or series connection.